showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Space Harrier 3D  Sega1988You are Harrier, the resourceful extra-terrestrial warrior. And space is your battlefield. Your mission is to save the Land of the Dragons from vivious creatures led by the vile and crafty One-eyed Mammoth. Aided by your only friends, the Dragons, you find yourself attacked again and again. You fight off one heavily-armed alien after another. You must use every trick in the book. Every skill at your command. The clashes are thrilling and demanding. The combat scenes are powerful. Can you survive the intense fighting? For your sake. For the sake of the Land of the Dragons. You must!***
[49]***"Space Harrier 3-D" is a kind of semi-sequel to the original Space Harrier and makes use of Sega's 3D glasses to create a 3D effect. Gameplay has not changed, but the levels and enemies are different from the first Space Harrier. Sounds good so far, but actually it is not, because the switch to 3D seems to be bought with serious slow speed of everything. The game has an abysmal low framerate, rendering it on the brink of being unplayable. Gone is the impressive and fast quasi-3D movement of the landscape and objects. Very disappointing.***